So if any of you know me well you know that Footloose is one of my favorite movies. Well my sweet husband decided he would sacrifice and take me to the play at Tuachan. It had Thayne from the show "So You Think You Can Dance" from a couple of seasons ago so I was pretty excited. Any way it was a really good play and I recommend it to everyone.
A couple of weeks ago we decided we wanted to go camping. Every year we say we want to but we never end up going. This year was the year. We were a little chicken to go stay in a real camp ground because we didn't know how Zach would do so my mom was very generous and let us camp in her back yard. It worked out great because she even has a fire pit to dutch oven. We had lots of fun and Zach was so excited and slept really well. I had worked four nights in a row and couldn't sleep so Preston kicked me out of the tent at 1 in the morning so it was a good thing we were at my mom's or I would have been sleeping outside.
We are currently living in Paragonah at this time even though it has changed several times in the last five years that we have been married. We had our cute but crazy little boy on April 26, 2007. He loves to climb on everything and talk up a storm. Kami is working as an RN and Preston is a English/Spanish teacher at Beaver High School.