Saturday, November 6, 2010


We were so excited for Halloween this year.  It is one of Zach's favorite holidays.  He said he wanted to be a ghost for awhile now but it is very hard to find a ghost costume and I don't sew so we found a zombie costume and just called it a ghost.  I don't know if he realized or someone said something but when we went trick-or-treating he kept telling people he was a zombie ghost so it worked out.  We were all suppose to dress up but Preston ended up having a debate tournament and couldn't go with us.  The ended up taking 3rd so I guess it was ok since he wasn't there.

Well I think he is the cutest zombie ghost!


Amberly said...

he's adorable! wondering if you can pass on a message to your mom... I don't have her email address. if we are drawing names for christmas again this year, will you let us know who we have? we always wait too late to get those names and we'd like to take care of gifts earlier this year so we can focus on other things in december. thank you!!

Lindsey, Dan & Revin said...

cute zombie ghost...and you and were wearing the same hat on Halloween, we must have good taste :)

Matthews Family said...

He looks great! Awesome face painting skills by the way! Love your cute witch costume. I was lame this year and didn't dress up. I did wear halloween socks. Does that count?